Activités pédagogiques

I. Mit dem Fahrrad
Tout a commencé par une exposition. En septembre 2016, les élèves de 4ème ont visité l'exposition "Mutations urbaines" à la Cité des Sciences. Dans une vidéo, un habitant de Copenhague parlait de l'importance du vélo dans sa ville (arte y a consacré un petit reportage). Et si on allait voir à Berlin comment cela se passe ? 

Des demandes de subventions a été déposées à l'automne 2016. Et le projet a commencé au printemps 2017, 200 ans après l'invention du vélo.

Cela a débuté par un petit historique : comme vous pouvez le voir dans ce petit reportage sous-titré en allemand, c'est un Allemand qui a inventé le vélo. Il s'agit du comte von Drais. Son nom a donné les mots draisine et draisienne, ce vélo sans pédales. Et c'est un Français, Pierre Michaud, qui a inventé les pédales et les a adaptées à la draisienne en 1860. De la coopération franco-allemande avant l'heure !

Les élèves ont été invités à écrire leur propre définition du vélo, en allemand, avec une proposition subordonnée relative et, si possible, de l'humour.
Das Fahrrad ist eine Maschine, mit der meine Eltern mich jeden Sonntag ärgern. Le vélo est une machine avec laquelle mes parents m'embêtent chaque dimanche.

Puis les germanistes de 3ème ont vu des extraits de deux documentaires diffusés par arte : Deutschland, 24 Stunden (24 heures en Allemagne) et Großbritannien, 24 Stunden (24 h en Grande-Bretagne) où il était question de l'utilisation du vélo comme moyen de transport quotidien.

Les élèves de la section bilangue 4ème et 3ème ont préparé des questions à poser à Berlin à des passants et/ou à un membre de la famille qui les hébergera à Berlin.

II. Aus alt mach neu
Parallèlement à cela, nous avons aussi travaillé sur la ville de Berlin et son histoire. Les élèves de 3ème ont par exemple étudié l'évolution d'une place, la Potsdamer Platz, du début du XXème siècle à aujourd'hui.
Puis les élèves se sont intéressés à des lieux, partout dans le monde, qui ont changé de fonction, à l'instar d'un aéroport au centre de Berlin devenu espace vert et piste de sports de voile. Ils ont trouvé un célèbre fort devenu studio de jeu de télévision, une église devenue boutique, une gare transformée en musée, un terril aménagé en piste de ski, un bâteau-école devenu auberge de jeunesse, une piscine transformée en hôtel...

III. Auf Deutsch bitte!
Les élèves ont fait le récit de leur voyage au parfait, l'équivalent du passé composé.
A suivre...

IV. Und auf Englisch?
Les participants au voyage étaient tous germanistes mais, évidemment, aussi anglicistes. C'est donc en anglais (aussi) qu'ils ont réalisé certaines acitivités.
Voici les productions de quelques-uns d'entre eux.

A. Sustainable development
Les élèves ont fait une séquence sur le développement durable en étudiant des passages du documentaire Demain (réalisé par Cyril Dion et Mélanie Laurent) qui propose plein de solutions pour vivre mieux dans un monde meilleur.

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "demain die welt ist voller lösungen"

Das deutsche Plakat (l'affiche allemande : Le monde est plein de solutions)

Les élèves ont acquis des connaissances lexicales sur le développement durable et sur les équipements urbains.
Leurs productions orales et écrites ont porté sur leurs avis sur les différentes solutions montrées dans le documentaire.

I really liked this documentary because I found it really interesting and optimistic about the future and the solutions we can bring to the environment. I particularly liked the part about agriculture because I think that food could be a problem one day because there won’t be enough for everybody on earth.

I think this documentary was really interesting because most of the documentaries – at least on this subject – usually talk about climate change, natural disasters and what would happen if we didn’t do anything. This documentary is not focused on that. It tells us what we can do and shows us many possibilities to build a better future. I believe that it gives hope.  Moreover it is not restricted : the producers show us the different fields in which we can work through different points of view : agriculture, energy, democracy and education.

I really liked the documentary because we can see that a lot of people work to improve the world. Some people install solar panels to create energy. I really liked the chapter about education because their school is different from ours.

I liked this documentary but I don’t like hearing about this. I know that we destroy our planet and I am scared about it so I prefer not to think about it. My favourite chapter is Education. It is more interesting than the others because it concerns me. According to me agriculture, economy and democracy are not interesting topics. Humanity needs more food and more water because there are more people. We use fossile fuels. Climate changes. The documentary Demain tries to understand this but I don’t want to. It is a stupid reaction but I don’t want to see the truth. Later I would like to participate to help the Earth, my future children, everybody, everything. But now I can’t do anything because I am only a young girl. It is really sad and I think this is the main reason why I don’t want to understand this documentary.

I like this documentary because it is positive and there are great ideas. It conveys a message of hope. It is interesting and it was created by a French director.

In the documentary they travel to Finland to see their schools and how they work. And, to be honest, I think that their functioning is better than ours. They work better and they teach better. They are more tolerant than we are. Between the teachers and the students there is a kind of trust, they are like friends, but the students still respect their teachers. Teachers don’t evaluate their students. They have created an environment of trust and tolerance.

Pour la tâche finale ils ont imaginé, dessiné, décrit, seul ou à deux, leur ville idéale.

B. My favorite place / activity / moment

Une page du carnet de voyage des élèves était consacré à leur lieu préféré à Berlin. Certains élèves en ont parlé en anglais.

Lyna 3°
My Berlin trip was amazing and unique. I enjoyed every part of it from the beginning to the end. I'll be forever grateful.
First of all, I loved all the activities around the city, the free time and even being with my host family but one of my best memories was riding a bike with all my classmates. This activity was by far my favourite even tough I was'nt really confident about my skills. We had a guide with us all the time, he knew literally everything about German history. He was incredibly kind and answered all of our questions. We saw a lot of historical monuments and it was very interesting. We also enjoyed the city because it was a beautiful day and everyone was having fun. At the end, we were all exhausted but I have gotten way more confident on my bike.                                                                                                 

Fatima 3°
My favorite place in Berlin was the television tower that we visited the last day. When we took the elevator (very high speed), we arrived in the big metal sphere located at 203 m from the ground. We admired the beautiful view over Berlin, it was very beautiful! Everything was tiny it was funny to see. My friends and I went back down and made a tour of the souvenir shop to buy some souvenirs. I loved this tower, the view of Berlin was amazing! I really enjoyed this trip. Thank you very much!
Aline 3°
My favourite time during the trip to Berlin was the last day in Berlin because we had an afternoon free. We could eat with friends, go to the shopping center and walk in the street. The teacher gave 5 € * to all the students and we had to bring back a bill after eating a German meal. Mrs Nimeskern gave us a quiz which we had to answer we could ask German people to help us. I had a good afternoon.                                                                                                                     
* Il s'agit de l'argent gagné par les élèves 
à l'occasion de leur course autour du lac de Saint-Mandé en mars.

Mila 3°
The trip to Berlin was absolutely fabulous and amazing. My favourite part was when we biked. It was really a good way to discover the city. I truly enjoyed this moment because the guide explained very well and we discovered a lot of beautiful places. I learned a lot of things about Berlin and its monuments. I loved the memorial of the holocaust, it looks like a maze, it’s very awesome.

Actually, I don’t like biking in Paris because there are a lot of cars and not always bicycle paths, but in Berlin it was really great because there are always bicycle paths.                              

Lucas 4°
My favorite moment was when we had free time. We could walk around and have fun, but we had exercices to do. So I went with my friends to find the answers in order to finish quickly the exercices and then enjoy ourselves. But after that we ate ice cream, we wandered around doing nothing incredible. But then, at dinner, I had the nonor of eating a Currywurst. That is just about everything.       

Louis 4°
My favorite moment during my school trip in Berlin was the bike around the town. We rode the bikes along the Berlin's wall. I've loved biking in Berlin. The guide spoke French and it was cool and the weather was nice. We didn't ride fast but it was not a problem. It enabled us to have a better view of the architecture. We visited a street with a lot of tags, where we were alone. Riding bikes in Berlin was great because there are a lot of cycling paths, and cars are respectuous. We looked at old photos of the years 70-80 in East Berlin. The guide spoke about the history of the wall and it was interesting.

Clément 4°
My favorite moment was with my friends and it was the visit of Berlin by bikes.
We had a guide/instructor and we chose ours bikes. The instructor and the teacher (Mister Brésolin) followed each other and my group, we did a distance of 12 km.
I climbed on my bike, I took my helmet and I visited Berlin!
We saw lots of famous places, we saw the bears, the amplemanns ...
We went to the Berlin wall and we saw the "dead corridor"!
I learnt lots of new things and I had a fabulous moment.
I had other good moments but it's was the best moment I had.     

Adèle 4°
I love the bike tour in Berlin because we visited a lot of places in the city.
We were in small groups and the weather was great which was very nice.
I also liked the visit to the Olympic Stadium in Berlin because it is a very beautiful place that has its history.

Margo 4°
The trip to Berlin was really good and my favorite moment was when we went for a bike ride. It was frendly because we were visiting berlin while cycling and the instructor explained well the story of Berlin.

Marine 3°
This trip has been awesome from the start to the end. However, if I had to choose a precise moment, I would say the moment in Tempelhof.
My friends and I were seated on the straw, listening to music, talking and laughing. Some people were playing ultimate around us, creating a pleasant background noise. It was just calm, relaxed, as if all the problems were gone. Actually, it looked like the end of an American film cliche; but nevermind, that was great.
I think Berlin brought us together for a week somehow and this moment in Tempelhof was a kind of goodbye for me, like a moment to give us some nice memories for next year.

Sarah 4°
During the school trip in Berlin, we had a guided tour on bycycles and I really liked it. We rode bikes for three hours, discovering the city of Berlin and its atmosphere. The city seemed very green to me by comparaison with few people in the streets. The buildings are very new. I foud a very nice park with lots of graffiti, a good atmosphère and music of all kinds. It is really an activity that I recommed because we can discover the city of Berlin while having fun. Also, the guide was very kind and very interesting.

Hugo 4°
My favourite place in Berlin was the "Olympiastadion" because it was completely crazy to be here, the stadion was huge and so beautiful. The sun was shining and there were no clouds. So, I really liked the visit.
After, when we climbed into the tower, it was really impressive. The view was breathtaking and we were very high. The craziest thing to think about the athletes who were there in 1936 (Jesse Owens). So it was my favourite visit.

Olivia 4°
My favorite part of the trip to Berlin was the bike ride. I really liked this activity because I like cycling and I found it interesting to discover Berlin while cycling. Thanks to this bike ride I learned a lot of things that I did not know for example that in East Berlin the Ampelmann is bigger than in the Western part of Berlin.
I found the instructor very kind. I recommend this activity .

Eloïse 4°
During this trip to Germany, what I liked the most was the bike ride in Berlin and the free time because I was able to discover the city in another way.

Pauline 4°
My favorite day in Germany was the one when we cycled. Because I like cycling. We saw many very interesting things about the history of Germany.
It was great.

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